WORLD CUP DRESSAGE – Anky van Grunsven unable to defend her title.
Horses and riders from around the World have started to arrive to the World Cup Dressage Final at Vilhelmsborg in Aarhus. The final starts on Friday 6 of April. On Thursday morning, World Cup horses will pass the Vet Inspection.
Despite all efforts of the World Cup Director Joep Bartels, the Dutch authorities did not allow exception to the ban of all animal movements in the Netherlands. Title defender Anky van Grunsven, Sonja Gademan, and the winner of Asian league Toshihiko Kiso, who was staying at Ankys stables, will therefore not be able to participate. Gonnelien Rothenberger, who finished second in the Western European League standings, was fortunately staying in Germany and could go to Denmark. This morning, the Dressage Committee decided not to replace the qualified riders who couldnt come to Denmark.
The following riders will compete in the Final: Western European League: Ulla Salzgeber (GER), Gonnelien Rothenberger (NED), Rudolf Zeilinger (GER), Isabell Werth (GER), Jan Brink (SWE), Lars Petersen (DEN), Stephan Peter (AUT) Central European League: Malgorata Morsztyn (POL) USA League: Tom Noone (USA) Canadian League: Nancy MacLachlan (CAN) Pacific League: Kristy Oatley-Nist (AUS) South American League: Marietta Almasy (FRA) Wildcard: HRH Natalie Zu Sayn-Wittgenstein (DEN)
Western European League
Still no positive decision from the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture on possible exception on ban of movement of horses for the riders qualified to the World Cup Final Jumping.
The Swedish Ministry of Agriculture has reduced the number of days that a horse has to be resident in a Foot and Mouth Disease-free country prior to its arrival in Sweden from 14 to 5 days. This means that horses would have to leave Holland on Saturday 7 April at the latest, to be allowed to participate to the Final.
Contrary to what was published last Friday, we have just learnt that Rolf-Gören Bentsson (SWE) is not in Sweden but blocked in the Netherlands with Jan Tops.
News from the American riders – The following US riders have confirmed their participation to the Final: USA West Coast (3 to qualify): Dick Carvin, Ray Texel, Nicole Shahinian-Simpson.
USA East Coast (7 to qualify): Molly Ashe, Margie Goldstein-Engle, Lauren Hough, Leslie Howard, Candice King, Gabriella Salick. If Peter Wylde, currently blocked in the Netherlands, cannot make it to the Final, he will be replaced by Kate Levy.